Received a Letter from Us? Please respond below Thank you for responding to our Letter. Please use the quick and easy form below and we will get back to you right away!Fields with an * are required. Please respond to our Offer Letter below Your First Name Your Last Name Name on Letter (if different than above) Your Email Address Phone Number Are you able to receive text messages at this number? Yes No Reference Number (in red on TOP of letter) Would you like to accept our offer? Yes No Not sure. Please contact me If your property meets our purchasing requirements, how would you like us to follow up with you? Email Phone Text On a scale of 1 - 5, how quickly do you need this property to be sold? 5 - I need this property sold yesterday! I want to talk immediately! 4 - I need this property sold as soon as possible. I can wait up to 90 days. 3 - I am interested in selling but not in a hurry. I need to sell within the next 6 to 12 months. 2 - I have some interest in selling. I would like to sell in the next 12 to 18 months. 1 - There is no real urgency. If it doesn't sell I'd be OK with that. On a scale of 1 - 5, what is your level of motivation to sell this property? 5 - I really NEED to sell this property! I'll take below 50% of market value if I can sell it this week! 4 - I am highly motivated to sell. I would consider an offer as low as 50% of market value. 3 - I am absolutely motivated to sell. I will entertain offers as low as 60% of market value. 2 - I am somewhat motivated. I would consider offers that are above 75% of market value or higher. 1 - I am not motivated. I will only accept a full market value offer. Is this property presently listed with a Realtor? Yes No Comments Submit